First of all, I LOVE Drew Barrymore. I'm pretty sure we are going to be best friends some day. Oh yes, it's gonna happen.
This is one of the many Cinderella stories in existence, but I think this one probably tries the hardest as far as historical reality. It's the story of a girl who has lost her parents and her status, and is humbled to work as a servant in her own home. Unlike many damsels in distress, Danielle is passionate, brave, and takes matters into her own hands. In the end she isn't rescued, but rescues herself. I like this woman. And so does Prince Henry. What does this movie show us?

1. Sometimes Princes are stupid. As he himself points out, he offered her the world, and then at the first test of his love, he failed her. The older I get, the more I believe "love" is not something you fall into. It doesn't happen "at first sight." Love is not just a feeling. It is something you show.
"I left a glass slipper and a business card, in case the prince is really dumb." -Lorelai, Gilmore Girls
2. "A life without love is no life at all." Money can't buy happiness, but it appears that love can. In the end, the Prince must set aside his ideas of nobility and duty to embrace the only thing that will give him a fulfilled life- love.
3. Don't wait for someone to rescue you. Some people seem to find love easily. But most of us have to wait, and wait, and wait. What do we do while we're waiting? We rescue ourselves. We don't wait for someone to come along and make us feel loved and of worth. We learn to love ourselves, and make ourselves of worth. We improve our talents, broaden our minds, and try to serve and uplift those around us. And if we're lucky, love will come in the right time and place.
Danielle: A bird may love a fish, Signore, but where would they live?
Leonardo da Vinci: Then I shall just have to build you wings!
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